It also has gesture-based actions for getting to inbox zero.

This is invaluable when you regularly get emails that you need to respond to but don't have time for until the end of the day. Spark also allows you to snooze an email and come back to take care of it at a later time. Lastly, emails you've seen but haven't moved to another folder. Below that, there are emails you've flagged or tagged as necessary in some way. Below that, you'll see a section called "Newsletters," which is precisely that. Emails that look like alerts from companies you deal with, like your gas company or Amazon, include an alert or notification in a separate section. That is, any email that is from someone in your contacts or otherwise looks like a personal email will be filtered to the top of the inbox list. You are now ready to use Outlook to check attendee responses to your invitation.Spark has this "Smart Inbox" feature that separates mail into categories: Personal, Notifications, Newsletters, Pinned, and Seen.

How to Check Who Accepted Meeting Outlook on an iPhone Also, you must have an updated version of Outlook to track attendee responses for large meetings. However, a distribution list counts as only one recipient. The maximum number of recipients you can track on the Mac Outlook app is 500 per email. Paste the list into Excel and sort and filter to your liking.Open the Excel app on your device or download and install it if needed.The entire list will be on your computer. Choose the “Copy Status to Clipboard” option.